United In Love United In Christ

  • 1


    • Before You Begin

    • Introduction

    • Overview

  • 2

    Session 1: Building Your Marriage On The Rock

    • Agenda For The Night

    • Before You Begin

    • Opening

    • Presentation

    • Just The Two Of You

    • Closing

  • 3

    Session 2: A Marriage That Prays Together, Stays Together

    • Agenda For The Night

    • Before You Begin

    • Opening

    • Presentation

    • Just The Two Of You

    • Closing

  • 4

    Session 3: The Eucharist - The Source and Summit of Married Life

    • Agenda For The Night

    • Before You Begin

    • Opening

    • Presentation

    • Just The Two Of You

    • Closing

  • 5

    Session 4: Forgiveness - A Marriage Rich in Mercy

    • Agenda For The Night

    • Before You Begin

    • Opening

    • Presentation

    • Just The Two Of You

    • Closing

  • 6

    Session 5: Through Mary To Jesus - Saying Yes To The Lord

    • Agenda For The Night

    • Before You Begin

    • Opening

    • Presentation

    • Just The Two Of You

    • Closing

  • 7

    Session 6: Growing In Love

    • Agenda For The Night

    • Before You Begin

    • Opening

    • Presentation

    • Just The Two Of You

    • Closing